Friday, February 17, 2012

Pressure Cooker BBQ Ribs

* 1 rack St. Louis Style Ribs
* 2 cups Ginger Ale
* bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce

1. Pour ginger ale into the bottom of the pressure cooker. Place rack in the pressure cooker.
2. Prepare your ribs (remove connective tissue and trim any excess fat). Cut your ribs to fit in the pressure cooker, and lay on the rack.
3. Bring to high pressure and cook for 35 minutes.
4. After 35 minutes, quick release the pressure, remove the ribs and empty the ginger ale. Place the ribs on the bottom of the pressure cooker, and cover in the BBQ sauce. After emptying the sauce, fill the bottle about 1/2 way with water, shake, and then pour on the ribs.
5. Bring to high pressure, cook for 10 additional minutes. Quick release the pressure after the cooking time, and enjoy!

For winter indoor ribs, these were great. When the nice weather returns, we are planning on cooking them 35 minutes in the pressure cooker, and then transferring to the grill to finish the final cooking. That way they'll have the BBQ taste, but will cook pretty quickly!

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