Friday, June 22, 2012

June 22, 2012

We had a great visit with Ryan's parents, and made two new dishes while they were here!  Ryan doesn't really love dessert, so on Father's Day we asked my father-in-law what he would like for to have at the end of the meal.  Well, as any great grandfather does, he knows his audience!  He picked an ice cream sundae cake and the kids were thrilled!  It was easy to put together and definitely was delicious!

Later in the week we made a chicken dish that was fabulous! Chicken Scaloppini  - originally clipped from a newspaper years ago my mother-in-law has been making it for a long time and she shared it with us.  I am glad she did, because the dish was a hit and we'll be making this again!

I'm heading out of town with the kids for a few weeks, so don't be surprised if the next two weeks I don't publish the blog.  But don't worry - I'll be back!  And of course, you just never know if I do make a new dish while we are away!

New Dishes
Ice Cream Sundae Cake
Luna's Chicken Scaloppini

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