Sunday, January 31, 2021

January 31, 2021

We were all so glad to see 2020 head out the door, and have welcomed in the new year!  Hard to believe it has been months and months since I have posted here on the blog! One of my resolutions was to get back to trying new recipes and posting, so, here I am!  I know, I know... it's the last day of the first month but I am getting this post up!  Woohoo! Thrilled to be back at it! Fingers crossed I can keep it up this year; I plan to post from time to time.

Although it has been a while since posting, I will tell you we are on the blog often because we use the archive of keeper recipes all the time.  While Hannah was home for her long holiday break (Thanksgiving through late January) she mentioned that there are some of our traditionally classic family recipes that she really wants on the blog.  She wants to make sure all her favorites will be in the same place in the future when she needs to start cooking.  Since she is second semester sophomore that will probably sneak up on her sooner rather than later.  Good idea to plan ahead!.  To help out her future self I will probably start to post more "tried and trues" along with the new keepers to make sure they all get into the repository. One of the first ones we had to include was our spin on Aunt Marge's Turkey Meatballs!  We love to make these on Sunday and eat them all week for lunch!  You have got to try them!

Owen has started cooking on Saturday nights when he can.  This weekend he made sheet pan jambalaya and it was outstanding!  He had made it for us one other time back in the fall, and it earned keeper status by the first bite.  Even Finn loves it!  This jambalaya sits at a medium spice level, so you can add more or less creole seasoning to suit your taste.  I can confirm that this is a very easy recipe and I can clearly see this fitting into the regular rotation, even hitting our dinner table on a busy weeknight!  Give it a try!

Speaking of trying things, Owen and I also made up a totally new recipe this week!  We made a little cheesy zucchini side dish, and it was outstanding!  It was born out of necessity...we had 2 zucchini in the fridge that were looking a little past their prime and we knew we had to come up with a plan - fast!  We shredded it up, found we had exactly one cup.  Added in some cheese and seasonings, baked it for about 20 minutes and crossed our fingers.  It was quickly devoured, which was good, since I don't think it would have reheated all that well.   Keeper status for sure, and I am thrilled to have a small side dish to share with you!   

It's looking like a busy week ahead!  The slow cooker will definitely be put to good use!

Happy Cooking!

New Recipes

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